
I work with adults based on the Gestalt psychotherapeutic model.

Online and in Lisbon.

In Portuguese, English and Serbo-Croatian.

Individual Therapy

To begin a therapeutic process is to choose the path of self-discovery. As a Gestalt therapist, I offer you a safe and empowering space to actively explore new ways of looking at and relating to the world. Together, we will focus on the present moment and how it relates to your past experiences and future potentials. By bringing awareness to the Here and Now, we can identify patterns or blocks that may hinder your personal and interpersonal growth.

In our sessions, through experiments and techniques specific to Gestalt therapy, including body awareness, we will aim to integrate the different parts of yourself and promote a sense of wholeness and harmony.

We will also explore the therapeutic use of photography and images as a form of self-expression.

Each appointment lasts an average of 60 minutes, although the first appointment can be longer.

The first consultation serve to understand better your psychological difficulties that we can work on in therapy. 

It will also help us determine if we are a suitable fit to support your journey towards improvement.

For more information or to book your first appointment

(+351) 968 364 426 

(WhatsApp; Viber)

Look at the person the same way you would look at the mountains or the sunset. Welcome what you see. Receive the person as they are. After all, you would also do that with a sunset. You would hardly say that this sunset should be more purple or that these mountains would look better with the highest one in the middle. You just gaze in admiration. It's the same with us. I look at the person, without saying "his skin should be pinker" or "her hair should be shorter". The person is.

- Joseph Zinker 

Therapeutical Groups  

Therapeutic groups as creative communities. Short-term structured intervention, based on dynamics involving bodywork (movement and dance), expressive arts and creative writing. The aim is to promote personal development through reflection on the issues in question, creating space for expression, sharing and integrating what emerges. Supporting others in their vulnerability. This type of group work is aimed at people who have a need or desire to work around specific themes, but who lack the motivation to embark on a longer therapeutic process.

When a man is singing without being able to let his voice out and a second man, who can let his voice out, comes to sing with him, the first man becomes able to do so too. That's the secret of the connection between spirits.
- Martin Buber

Contact me

For more information or to book your first appointment


Telefone:  (+351) 968 364 426

(WhatsApp; Viber)